Central Research Institute for Dryland: AUGUST 2013

Central Research Institute for Dryland
Santoshnagar, Hyderabad - 500 059

Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA) conducts Walk-In-Interview for the post of Research Associate/ SRF  
Research Associate
Post: 07
Pay Scale: Rs.23, 000/-
Master's Degree in any of the following subject with First Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least 2 yrs of research experience.
Age Limit: 40yer. Men. 45yer. Women
Senior Research Fellow
Post: 07
Pay Scale: Rs.16, 000/-
Master's Degree in any of the following subjects Entomology/ Zoology/ Sericulture. Economics/ Agricultural Economics.
Age Limit: 35yer. Men. 40yer. Women
Last date: 12/08/2013
How to Apply: Visit on